Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pirata will be forever in my heart.

This is the story of a mixed breed Cuban dog named Pirata, or Pirate.
He was born on March 21, 2003, along with five other beautiful dogs. His parents were Blanquita and Negrito, two street dogs who lived in our neighborhood in Tarara, east of Havana. They enjoyed the kindness of those who lived and worked there. They ate good food (for Cuban dogs) and slept on the porches of the houses occupied by foreigners.
Blanquita was nicest, most friendly and most cheerful of all the members of the dog clan. The expression on her face always looked like a smile and she’d wag her tail, telling you she was happy to see you. When we noticed that she was pregnant, we tried to keep her at home to look after her, but all was in vain. Even with her big belly and just days from giving birth to puppies, her free spirit didn’t hold her back and she jumped our fence and escaped.
When she finally decided to have her dogs, she found a hiding place in our yard. We didn’t know where she was. After searching all day throughout the neighborhood, we heard some sounds coming from the bushes in the yard. What a surprise! They were Blanquita’s new pups. The six puppies were beautiful, so tiny !!!!!!
We took the dogs into our house so nothing would happen to them outside, and Blanquita later joined them. They grew into beautiful and healthy dogs. Soon many people approached us to ask about the dogs and we gave away four of them to friends. We were left Pirata and a second dog we called Rosita.
Pirata became a beautiful and big dog, weighing 55 pounds. Rosita was a bit smaller, but she was beautiful, too.

Pirata was the boss of the pair and whenever someone came to the house he had to go and say hello and he always wanted to get all the attention. Rosita is a smart and sweet dog. The two dogs were very playful and always together. They shared thousands of moments of joy together. They gave me so much joy and unforgettable moments. In 2005 I moved to the U.S. and left them temporarily with my parents, hoping that some day we could be together. My plan was about to become reality, that was my goal.
A few days ago, Pirata suddenly died. Knowing this has caused me deep pain. He was like a child to me, and so was Rosita. My plan remains the same, but now only Rosita will be coming to live with me and my husband.
To achieve this dream, all the money from the sales at my three shops will be assigned to a fund to pay travel and other expenses for Rosita.

Here are my stores:

Esta es la historia de un perro sato cubano, llamado Pirata.
Nacio un dia 21 de marzo del 2003 junto con otros 5 bellos perritos. Sus padres Negrito y Blanquita, perros de la calle, que vivian en nuestro vecindario (Tarara, al este de la Habana), gozaban de la bondad de los que vivian y trabajaban ahi. Comian buenas comidas (para ser perros cubanos) y dormian en los portales de las casas habitadas por extranjeros.
Blanquita era la perra mas simpatica, amistosa y alegre de todo el clan perruno. Tenia la exprsion de estar siempre sonriendo y con solo ver su cola sabias que estaba feliz de verte. Cuando notamos que estba embarazada tatamos de retenerla en la casa para cuidarla, pero todo fue en vano, incluso con la barriga grande y casi al parir su espiritu de perra libre la hacia saltar la cerca para escapar.
Cuando ella decidio tener sus perritos busco un lugar apropiado y escondido en nuestro jardin. Despues de buscarla por todo el dia por el barrio, oimos unos sonidos que venia del jardin. Que sorpresa!!!! Eran los nuevos cachorros que habian nacido. Eran 6 hermosos cachorritos, tan chiquitos!!!!!!
En un descuido de Blanquita mudamos los perritos para dentro de la casa y ella mas tarde se les unio. Desde muy pequenitos estabamos al tanto de su salud y crecieron unos bellos y saludables perritos. Pronto mucha gente se nos acerco para pedirnos los perritos y asi fue como los fuimos regalando a amigos y nos quedamos solo con Pirata y Rosita.
Pirata se convirtio en un perro hermoso y grande que llego a pesar 55lb y Rosita un poco mas pequena.
Pirata de los dos se creia el jefe y siempre que venia alguien a la casa tenia que ir a saludar y siempre queria recibir toda la atencion. Rosita es una perra mas inteligente y dulce. Los dos eran perros muy juguetones y siempre estan juntos. Compartieron miles de experiencias y alegrias juntos. Me dieron tantas alegrias y momentos inolvidables. En 2005 yo me mude para E.U y los deje a ellos temporalmente con mis padres, esperando que algun dia pudieramos estar juntos. Mi plan de traerlos estaba casi haciendose realidad, ese era mi objetivo.
Hace unos dias Pirata de repente murio, saberlo me ha causado un profundo dolor, el era para mi como un hijo, al igual que Rosita. Mi plan sigue en pie, solo que ahora vendra solo Rosita.
Para lograr mi objetivo todo el dinero de las ventas de mis tres tiendas sera destinado a un fondo para pagar los gastos para poder hacer realidad este sueno.
Aqui estan mis tiendas:


Mich(Pixe's Treasure Chest) said...

Many hugs to you...losing a dog was one of the hardest things I've had to go through during my life so far...My thoughts are with you!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much michele

A Cuban In London said...

Te acompan-o en el sentimiento.

Saludos desde Londres.

Unknown said...

Gracias, aprecio mucho tu comentario